Order processing time and shipment: | |
Normal processing time & shipped | 24h. (95%) - 72h+. ( 5%) |
Processing time during busy months* | 24h. (85%) - 96h+. ( 15%) |
*) January - February - June - July - November - December - COVID 19 |
Delivery | |
Estimated delivery time* | 3 - 20 business days |
Estimated delivery time during busy months** | 3 - 30 business days |
DHL - Fedex - UPS | 3 - 7 business days |
*) delivery times vary depending on chosen courier and country of delivery. **) January - February - June - July - November - December - COVID 19 |
Super Saver | |
What is super saver? | The most economical option to ship internationally. |
When is super saver offered? | The item(s) you want to order is not stored in the country of delivery. |
Delivery times |
*) January - February - June - July - November - December - COVID 19 |
Best for! |